I know in my past posts I have talked much about reading the word and how important it is to dwell in the word. But I have never talked about what the Bible is, how to study it and how to apply it to our lives. So this is what I want to do today. I want to show you that it isn't hard, the only hard part is setting the habit, but once you have the habit down, you can do it. And not only is the word of God a good story to read, it is a story that is true and can be applied forever into our lives. It is a story that each time you read, it has a new meaning. It is the LIVING word of God.
The Bible is the Word of God. The spirit of God was in each of the human beings that were writing in it. They may not have been fully aware of all that was going on, or why but God was guiding them so that the words used were not of common man but were God's Word. “No prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:20-21). God wanted us to understand what was written so He spoke in words that we could understand. The Bible has these words. As Billy Graham says: "The Bible isthe Word of God. This means the Bible isour authorityin everything it touches. This means the Bible isour guideto show us how to live. Most of all, this means the Bible isour instructor, teaching us about God and His plan of salvation in Christ. The Old Testament points toward Christ’s coming; the New Testament tells of His arrival. From Genesis to Revelation we see God’s great plan unfold–His plan to win a lost humanity back to Himself. The central theme of the Bible issalvation, and the central personality of the Bible isChrist." the Bible all comes together to point us to God, and how important a relationship with Him is. It is our instruction book. The Bible is God's gift to us.
God shows us time and time again that He is faithful to those that love Him and He shows up in all circumstances and makes even the most impossible circumstances possible.
He is the air that fills our lungs when it feels like there is no more reason to breathe.
This video very well describes the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us. As I said in my blog title, love is a person, and I would love to introduce Him to you. He's been waiting patiently to meet you. He’s a friend that you can always depend on. His love will comfort you and make you complete. How long have you been searching aimlessly for something to fill the emptiness inside. Someone you can confide in. That friend is Jesus. He's waiting when you're troubled and when you’re filled with fear. Just reach out and He'll guide you when everyone disappears, He will still be there beside you, forever and by forever I mean eternity. It is amazing for me to walk on the streets and see all these different people, see all these people who are looking to humans to do what only Jesus can. This video is a good place for people to start if they are seeking a way to understand better the word that was left for us by God. “cannot say I've known a lot of men of wealth or ...
Hey y'all, my name is Jess and I decided to start this blog as a place for people to see not only the ways that Jesus has worked in my life, but the impact that He can have in your life too. Christianity has been a big part of my identity from the day I was born. But, that is not to say that my life is perfect, my life is everything but perfect; regardless, Jesus loves me and chose me. That is why I choose to live for Him for the rest of my days. Growing up I looked for places to fit in and I always wanted a community that would accept me for who I am and help me grow in the places I needed work. And I found that in my community at Full Gospel Church. This community has allowed me to explore different things that I am good at, they also challenge me every day to be the person that I want to be: to be more like Jesus. This community gave me the willpower to make a complete 180 change in my life. This community is open to everyone who is willing to be come and liste n. We are ...
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